Services available to anyone 60 or older regardless of income. For In-Home services- call 1-800-963-5337; 850-263-4650; 850-482-5028 for referrals.
OAA(Older American Act) OA3B
Telephone Reassurance – Volunteers make phone calls to those who are homebound to provide human contact, care, and comfort.
Outreach –active efforts to reach targeted individuals face-to-face, either in a community setting or in neighborhoods with large numbers of low-income minority elders, making one-on-one contact, identifying their service needs and encouraging their use of available resources.
Recreation – Bingo, dominoes, movies, arts & crafts, music class, quilting & sewing, sing-alongs, picnics, field trips, holiday parties, entertainment by local talent, etc.
Telephone Reassurance – Volunteers make phone calls to those who are homebound to provide human contact, care, and comfort.
Transportation – Agency’s Van and JTrans provide transportation for clients to the Congregate Meal Site, group outings and other special trips.
Health Support – Helps individuals secure and utilize necessary medical treatment, as well as preventive, emergency, and health maintenance services.
Personal Care Assistance with shaving, bathing, washing hair, grooming, dressing, etc.
Homemaker – Specific home management duties including housekeeping, laundry, cleaning refrigerators, clothing repair, minor home repairs, assistance with budgeting and paying bills, client transportation, meal planning and preparation, shopping assistance, and routine household activities conducted by a trained homemaker.
In-Home Respite Care – The provision of relief or rest for a primary caregiver from the constant, continued supervision and care of a functionally impaired older person by providing care for the person in the home for a specified period
OAA(Older American Act) OAC1
Congregate Meals – Are provided to promote better health among elders by improving nutrition and reducing isolation through congregate meals dining
Nutrition Education– the process by which individuals gain the understanding, skills, and motivation necessary to promote and protect their nutritional wellbeing through their food choices and food preparation methods.
Education – Providing opportunities for individuals or groups to acquire knowledge, experience, or skills; increasing awareness in areas like crime or accident prevention; promoting personal enrichment; and enhancing skills in a specific craft, trade, job, or occupation.
Transportation – Agency’s Van and JTrans provide transportation for clients to the Congregate Meal Site, group outings and other special trips.
Telephone Reassurance – Volunteers make phone calls to those who are homebound to provide human contact, care, and comfort.
Shopping Assistance
OAA(Older American Act) OAC2
Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels) Are provided to promote better health among frail elders by improving nutrition. Homedelivered meals are generally delivered to the homes of homebound participants.
Nutrition Education– the process by which individuals gain the understanding, skills, and motivation necessary to promote and protect their nutritional wellbeing through their food choices and food preparation methods.
Telephone Reassurance – Volunteers make phone calls to those who are homebound to provide human contact, care, and comfort.
AHCA HCS License#235253
Homemaker – Specific home management duties including housekeeping, laundry, cleaning refrigerators, clothing repair, minor home repairs, assistance with budgeting and paying bills, client transportation, meal planning and preparation, shopping assistance, and routine household activities conducted by a trained homemaker.
Companionship– Visiting a client who is socially and/ or geographically isolated for the purpose of relieving loneliness and providing the client with continuing social contact with the community. It includes engaging in casual conversation; providing assistance with reading and writing letters; playing entertaining games.
In-Home Respite Care – The provision of relief or rest for a primary caregiver from the constant, continued supervision and care of a functionally impaired older person by providing care for the person in the home for a specified period
Telephone Reassurance – Volunteers make phone calls to those who are homebound to provide human contact, care, and comfort.
Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels) Are provided to promote better health among frail elders by improving nutrition. Homedelivered meals are generally delivered to the homes of homebound participants.
Telephone Reassurance – Volunteers make phone calls to those who are homebound to provide human contact, care, and comfort.
Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels) are provided to promote better health among frail elders by improving nutrition. Home delivered meals are generally delivered to the homes of homebound participants.
Companionship– Visiting a client who is socially and/ or geographically isolated for the purpose of relieving loneliness and providing the client with continuing social contact with the community. It includes engaging in casual conversation; providing assistance with reading and writing letters; playing entertaining games.
Personal Care Assistance with shaving, bathing, washing hair, grooming, dressing, etc.
Homemaker – Specific home management duties including housekeeping, laundry, cleaning refrigerators, clothing repair, minor home repairs, assistance with budgeting and paying bills, client transportation, meal planning and preparation, shopping assistance, and routine household activities conducted by a trained homemaker.
In-Home Respite Care – The provision of relief or rest for a primary caregiver from the constant, continued supervision and care of a functionally impaired older person by providing care for the person in the home for a specified period
Transportation – Agency’s Van and JTrans provide transportation for clients to the Congregate Meal Site, group outings and other special trips.
Personal Care Assistance with shaving, bathing, washing hair, grooming, dressing, etc.
Other Services –
USDA Food Coupons –Coupons are issued to qualified seniors 60 or older to purchase fruits and vegetables. (Eligibility is based on income)
Low Income Heating/Electric Assistance Program (LIHEAP). (Eligibility is based on income)
Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAEP). (Eligibility is based on income). Assistance to low-income households (with at least one individual age 60 or older in the home) experiencing a home energy emergenc